Our worlds all keep us so busy nowadays it is important to carve out time for others, doing things we love and that make us happy! Using our own hobbies to connect with others with the same hobby is so important, whether that connection be in person, or virtual. When I do craft nights, I like to encourage my guests to invite others so we can all meet new people and build new friendships! Crafting is my therapy and my way to connect with my family and friends, and with all of you! Craft nights are always so much fun, and I am going to give y’all some tips to have a successful, fun craft night with the people you love!
Ok, the first key to a great craft night is great snacks! One thing I love to do is encourage my crafting guests to bring a snack or beverage to share, so we have a wide variety of fun treats to much on while we craft! It makes the craftin’ and chattin’ so much more fun!
Another great thing to remember is to share your skills! Everyone crafts a little differently, and it is important to share techniques and tricks with others so we can all improve together! Another great thing to do for craft nights is to invite younger relatives or friends, and spread that creativity! I love seeing my younger relatives and friends ideas and takes on things!!!
Sometimes we may not always live close to our friends and families, but of course we still want to include them in on the fun! Hosting a virtual craft night can accomplish that! This may sound like quite a large task, but I promise, it can be done super simply! As for the crafting part, there are many virtual connection options you can use to get in tough with your people, such as FaceTime or even Zoom! Setting up a FaceTime call or a Zoom call will take maybe five minutes, but will be so worth it in the end! As for supplies, one super easy way to do that is to send out a supply list to all your craftin’ friends! If they want to customize, add elements, change the colors, etc., then it is super easy for them to do so! Another way you can go about doing supplies, is sending out the supplies to everyone, and charging them a small fee to cover the cost of supplies + shipping! The decision for supplies is probably best to be decided by your group, and what works the best for everyone!
As many of you may know, we also have a Craft Night Subscription Box here! We do a craft once a month, and I send you all of the supplies you need to do the craft (minus the basics). Our craft kit group is so much fun, and besides just the craft kit, it has many other fun bonuses and perks that come along with it! We truly do have a giant family in that group, and we love getting to know everyone in there on a deeper, more personal level. If you want in on when this group opens next, you can text “CRAFTBOX” to the number 810-374-0342. This group truly is amazing!
I hope you gathered some great tips on hosting a craft night from this blog. Craft nights are so much fun and if you host one yourself, please be sure to share tons of photos in our Craft Sharing Group! Happy Crafting!
Kristy <3