This Dollar General Apron was only $1.00! I wasn’t a fan of it as an apron, but I just loved the truck on it and knew I wanted to turn it into something cute for my home. Read on to see how you too can transform one into a decorative wall/door hanging.
Remember to click on the link for the full video tutorial at the bottom of this page.

This is what you will need.
- $1.00 Apron from Dollar General, truck design
- 9 Paint stir sticks
- Paint, red, black, creamy white
- Ribbon
- Bell (optional)
- Pine sprig or mini pine tree (optional)
- twine
- Scissors
- Hot glue and glue sticks

The first thing you will do is assemble your sign blank with the paint sticks. You will lay out 7 paint sticks print side up. You will alternate the groves on the paint sticks to give it a uniform design.

You will cut down two paint sticks to act as the braces for the back of the sign. Hot glue these pieces to the back of your 7 paint sticks.

Glue a piece of twine to the back of your sign for hanging.

You can now start painting your sign. I used Craft Smart acrylic paint from Michael’s, but any acrylic paint will work. The colors I used were Holiday Red, Black and Vanilla. I started with a coat of red, let it dry. Next add a small amount of black, let it dry. Finish with a full coat of vanilla. Once your paint is dry you can sand to reveal hints of the red and black.

Now cut around your truck to remove it from the apron.

You will hot glue around the back edges of your cut out truck and place it onto the front of your sign.

Now to create the bow, I chose to use the refabbed bow. Cut two pieces of each ribbon, crisscross them cut each layer of ribbon a little shorter then the one before. I used 3 different ribbons and topped the ribbon with some raffia. Once I had my crisscrossed layers of ribbon, I tied them in the center with a piece of twine. Next I used hot glue to attach my bow to the corner of my board. To add the optional bell, I tied a piece of twine into a loop and hot glued it to the center of my bow.
I hope you love this Christmas truck wall hanging as much as I do! I love feedback and would love if you left me a comment letting me know what you think of this cute craft! You can watch the full video tutorial by clicking here.